Welcome to the world of UltraComputing, the new computing model for the
networked age. UltraComputing is an exciting new architecture that
merges Sun's most innovative and powerful technologies into a single
high-performance system that enables you to leap to a new level of
collaboration, visualization and creativity.
To help you experience UltraComputing, we've collected
a variety of graphics, imaging, audio, video and performance monitoring tools
for your enjoyment.
This CD-ROM, along with the other applications and demo CD-ROMs
in the Ultra Pack, gives you access to new capabilities.
-- supercomputing power, visual computing, high-bandwidth networking,
graphical web browsing and publishing utilities, instantaneous collaborative
computing, and object-oriented software development . . .
-- all at the same time.
Make sure you also explore the rest of your Ultra Pack - there is a new world
world waiting for you, and it's called UltraComputing!
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Microsystems, the Sun logo, Sun Microsystems Computer Company, The
Network is the Computer, UltraComputing, Ultra, Solaris, Solstice, and
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are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of
SPARC International, Inc., in the United States and other countries.
Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an architecture
developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in
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X/Open Company, Ltd. Adobe is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems,